What?! Julie Andrews Almost Died Filming The ‘Mary Poppins’ Umbrella Scene!


Though the classic film Mary Poppins has brought endless happiness to children over the years, making the film wasn’t all smiles for Julie Andrews!

The iconic actress stopped by The Late Show on Friday night and told Stephen Colbert about a particularly harrowing day on the set of the 1964 film.

Julie did all of her own stunts for the movie, including the extremely memorable umbrella flight down to meet the children. Toward the very end of filming Julie donned a painful harness to get the shot, and things didn’t exactly go smoothly! As she was flying in, Julie said she knew something had gone wrong:

“I thought I felt the wire leave [and] drop about six inches … I was nervous. So, I called down and I said, ‘Excuse me, when you do let me down, could you let me down really gently, because I felt myself slip and I just don’t feel too safe up here.’”

The crew assured her that they would be extra cautious with her descent, but…
“I plummeted to the stage,” Julie said. “And there was an awful silence for a minute and I did let fly with a few Anglo-Saxon four letter words, I have to admit.”
Watch the original clip here:

Video Credit: YouTube/Emily Lewis

Catch Julie’s brand new children’s show, Julie’s Green Room, premiering on Netflix on March 17!