YAS! Russell Simmons Protests Trump’s Travel Ban at ‘We Are Muslim Too’ Rally

Russell Simmons and Donald Trump used to be friends, but now he’s seen a different kind of Donald that inspired him to lead a rally in New York City yesterday.

Thousands of people showed up to the “We are Muslim Too” rally in Times Square to protest Trump’s travel ban that prohibited refugees and citizens of seven mostly Muslim nations from entering America.

Russell, who describes himself as a Muslim Yogi, said to the crowd, “We are here today to show middle America our beautiful signs and, through our beautiful actions and intention, that they have been misled. We are here unified because of Donald Trump. We want to thank him for bringing us together… We are focused on things that are not helpful to America. We’re using the Muslim community as a scapegoat. We are being mean to the people who are the victims of terrorism. All of the diversity we see here today will prevail.”