LOL! Watch Jimmy Fallon’s Take on Trump’s Press Conference!

Photo Credit: YouTube/The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Donald’s Trump’s first solo news conference sure has people talking.

The President’s 77-minute event inspired comedy from almost every late-night TV host, but Jimmy Fallon took it to the next level. The comedian, who normally takes a neutral stance on politics, sported the classic Trump wig and orange complexion for the cold open of The Tonight Show last night.

He started with, “First of all, you’re all fake news, I hate you all very much, and thank you for being here. First question? No. Next.”

He also coined a new term! “I’m not even calling it fake news anymore. I’ve thought of something new. I changed the name. I’m now calling it faux news. Much classier if you think about it. Very classy. F-a-u-x. It’s not pronounced ‘fox.’”

But perhaps the best part involved a tiny fake hand. Take a look:

Video Credit: YouTube/The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Trump had visited The Tonight Show last summer during his candidacy, and chatted it up with a playful Jimmy. Wonder how The Donald feels about him now?