J.K. Rowling Prefers Not to Get Tweets About Her Own Death, Duh!


We lost a lot of amazing celebrates in 2016, and it was brutal. It seemed like every time we turned around another incredible icon had passed, and many way before their time. So it’s understandable that people have started to look at their own heroes with a little fear, wondering about how they would handle their passing.

Waking up to read tributes on your own death on Twitter, though, may be a little much for anyone to handle. Even for J.K. Rowling!

The unstoppable Harry Potter author called out a meme that depicted how the world will respond to J.K.’s death.

Yeah, it’s pretty spot on, and all, but we’re with you, J.K.!

“This tweet is gonna blow up when you die,” responded another follower, who clearly didn’t take the not-so-subtle hint, to which J.K. shot back, “Yes, let’s talk more about when I die. It’s cheering me right up.”

J.K. also passed on a Scottish journalist’s offer to let her read her own obituary, which he claimed his paper had ready to go, you know, just in case. She tweeted back “I know what happened. I was there.”

At least she has a sense of humor about it! Now, let’s give it a rest! Well, not a final rest. Just stop it.