Hear What Sean Spicer Had to Say About Melissa McCarthy’s Impression on SNL

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer doesn’t think SNL did a great job impersonating (something he has in common with his boss, president Donald Trump). But regardless of the fact, he still thinks the show is funny.

That’s evident when Sean spoke to Extra at the Super Bowl, saying he’d first heard about the sketch the next Sunday morning — whereby his texts were “blowing up.”

Sean said he felt Melissa’s impression was a little exaggerated. His advice was that she “”needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.” He also said she could “dial back” a bit.

As for Donald Trump’s Fox News interview, which happened right before the Super Bowl, Sean said to Extra, “The President’s really excited about the progress he’s made in creating jobs and helping veterans,” Spicer said. “Protests are what make this country great. Protesting is starting to become a profession for some on the left. Again, that’s their right to do, but Americans need to understand it’s not organic as it may seem sometimes.”

Did you miss Melissa’s impression? Check it out here: