Howard Stern Wishes Trump Never Ran for President

Photo Credit: Fameflynet Pictures

Howard Stern and President Donald Trump have been friends for a long time.  Now, Stern is coming out saying some pretty cut and dry statements about him.

On Wednesday, Stern said that Trump would eventually hate being president and the role will not be healthy for him.

Here are some of Stern’s criticisms, according to

“I personally wish that he had never run, I told him that, because I actually think this is something that is gonna be detrimental to his mental health too, because, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved. He wants people to cheer for him.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be a healthy experience. And by the way, he’s now on this anti-Hollywood kick. He loves Hollywood. First of all, he loves the press. He lives for it. He loves people in Hollywood. He only wants to hobnob with them. All of this hatred and stuff directed towards him. It’s not good for him. It’s not good. There’s a reason every president who leaves the office has grey hair.”

Trump frequently appeared on Stern’s radio program over the last 20 years.  Even though he is still friends with Trump, he doesn’t approve of his political stance.