Octavia Spencer Refused to Wear Girdle For Film

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Octavia Spencer refused to wear a girdle in the period piece, Hidden Figures, and we love her for it!

The costumes in the film about three black women who crunched numbers for NASA may not look high maintenance, but according to a recent article in The Huffington Post, Octavia said they were not comfortable.

“I just finally had a moment: ‘I’m not wearing a girdle! I’m just not doing it.” The director said, “You don’t have to wear the girdle! Why are you wearing a girdle?’”

The film was shot last year in Atlanta.  Octavia and her co-star Kirsten Dunst created the name “Girdlegate,” after sitting down for lunch and getting sick.  The girdles came off, and everyone was able to breathe a little better.

Hidden Figures is currently playing in theaters.