Can You Guys Guess Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Favorite Disney Movie?

Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda is a huge Disney fan, dating way back to Little Mermaid (his absolute favorite movie of all time). Now, as the writer of the new Disney flick Moana, he’s getting real nostalgic.

“I must’ve seen that thing three times in the theaters,” he told Good Morning America’s Lara Spencer. “I remember calling in sick from school on the day it came out on VHS — so that I could be the first to get it. So, yeah, that was a life-changer, Little Mermaid. I just remember when that song started, like, this feeling of almost vertigo. That was like the most contemporary thing I’d ever heard in a Disney score. I just couldn’t believe what was happening. And it just made the bottom of the ocean feel like the coolest place on earth.”

In fact, he loved the movie so much, he named his son Sebastian!

“[Sebastian’s] seen me working to rough demos of the animation, and he calls it ‘agua,’” Lin explained. “So, he’s like, ‘Dada, agua.’ He points at my computer. He wants to watch agua. That’ll be the first time I take him to a theater.”

H/T: ABC News.