Justin Bieber Prayed With His Followers on Instagram Live

While many people are staying indoors to protect themselves from COVID-19, Justin Bieber is looking to God (he’s also in quarantine, of course).

The singer recently took to Instagram Live this week to pray with concerned fans who are also in self-isolation.

“I’m going to say a quick prayer, and if you guys agree with me, cool,” he began. “If you don’t, it’s also cool, you don’t have to believe anything I believe, we have far more in common than we don’t.”

He continued, “We’re all people who are in this together and we’re all just trying to figure this whole thing out. I’m going to say a prayer for the world, and, again, this doesn’t make me any better because I’m praying, I just think prayer makes people come together.”

“God,” he prayed, “We know these things don’t come from you, these things are unexplainable, but God, we trust you in these times, and we ask God that you would make this go away as soon as possible, God. We just thank you so much for who you are and we would just ask for you to give us more answers.”

We don’t know about you, but this is making us really like Justin even more, right?! God Bless.