These Christmas Day Icebreaker Questions Will Turn Any Awkward Conversation Around

Christmas is great, but it can also be awkward if you’re visiting people you’re not fond of.

So why not get people talking with a few of these fun and festive icebreaker questions? It never fails to have a few of these in your back pocket. Best to be prepared! Check our favorites out below:

  • What’s the best – or worst – Christmas present you’ve ever received?
  • Describe a Christmas present you wanted badly as a kid, but never received.
  • Name something about Christmas that most people like, but you hate (or at least dislike).
  • If you could listen in on any room in the world, which room would it be?
  • What is one thing you own that you wish that you didn’t?
  • What is one place you shop that might surprise people?
  • You’re walking down the street, feeling great — what holiday song would be playing in the background?
  • If you could only have one type of Christmas candy this year, what would you choose?
  • What holiday movie or special do you watch over and over again?
  • What’s the weirdest/ugliest Christmas decoration you’ve ever owned?
  • What was Christmas like when you were growing up?
  • Who is the toughest person you have to buy for this Christmas?
  • What one thing are you most grateful for this holiday season?
  • Share one vivid Christmas memory, good or bad.
  • If you were Santa Claus, what type of cookie would you want to be left out for you on Christmas Eve?
  • Name three words that best describe Christmas for you.
  • Describe a funny Christmas card you have given or received.
  • When you close your eyes and think of your “happy place,” where is it?
  • If you could have any job in the world for one day, what would it be?
  • What is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
  • What is your most embarrassing experience where you forgot an important piece of information?

Who doesn’t like making friends? Happy icebreaking!

H/T: and