Apparently, R. Kelly Once Took Anti-Libido Shots to Control His Urges

R. Kelly’s ex lawyer is proclaiming the singer’s guilt.

Ed Genson defended R. Kelly in a decade-old child pornography case, and is now saying the R&B legend was guilty of those charges — and even received anti-libido drugs to help contain his urges.

“He was guilty as hell!” Ed told the Chicago Sun-Times. But, the former criminal defense attorney also said he believes the singer hasn’t done anything “inappropriate” in years.

“I’ll tell you a secret,” he added. “I had him go to a doctor to get shots, libido-killing shots. That’s why he didn’t get arrested for anything else.”

Ed also said that he doesn’t feel guilty for having R. Kelly acquitted years ago. “I didn’t facilitate him. He had already done what he’d done,” the lawyer said. “I did facilitate him in the sense I kept him out of trouble for 10 years. I was vetting his records. I listened to them, which ones would make a judge mad.”

Ed pointed to one song in particular — 2003’s “Ignition” — which he says tipped him off that R. Kelly might be into underage girls.

“I was riding in the car, listening to a song and said, ‘Are you crazy? This is all I need,’” he recalled. “It’s a song related to a guy driving around in a car with his girlfriend. It was originally a high school instructor in a class teaching people how to drive a car,” adding, “I changed the words.”