The Palace Is Worried About Harry and Meghan’s Love Scene In Lifetime Movie

Credit: FameFlynet Pictures

When you get a Lifetime movie about your life, the parents are always going to be a bit awkward.

As Vanity Fair reports, Queen Elizabeth’s press office has been keeping up with the TV movie’s trailers and they’re worried about a love scene showing Harry and Meghan in bed together.

“What I’ve heard is that they’re seriously worried about the sex scene,” director Menhaj Huda said. He even revealed his palace source, just to prove his intel is legit: “My wife’s best friend has been dating the press secretary of the palace.” Now, let’s just hope the palace press secretary doesn’t get fired for leaking reactions to people who would leak them to people who would leak them to the press.

“We would literally be writing a draft and [co-screenwriter Scarlett Lacey] would e-mail me with a news item, wondering, ‘Should we put this in?'” screenwriter Terrence Coli said. “In a couple of cases, we incorporated on the fly.”