WATCH: John Oliver & Dustin Hoffman’s Heated Talk About Sexual Harassment

On Monday night, Dustin Hoffman and John Oliver got into an argument after John asked Dustin a question about his recent sexual harassment allegations.

“You’ve made one statement in print — does that feel like enough to you?” John asked.

Dustin had previously said to Deadline: “First of all, it didn’t happen, the way she reported.”

John continued: “It’s that part of the response to this stuff that pisses me off. It is reflective of who you were. You’ve given no evidence to show that it didn’t happen. There was a period of time when you were creeping around women. It feels like a cop-out to say, ‘Well, this isn’t me.’ Do you understand how that feels like a dismissal?”

Hoffman fired back, “You weren’t there.”

“I’m glad,” Oliver said.

“You’ve put me on display here,” he told John at one point. “You have indicted me … That’s not ‘innocent until proven guilty.’”

“It doesn’t feel self-reflective in the way it seems the incident demands,” replied Oliver.

“I get no pleasure from this conversation,” he added. “But you and I are not the victims here.”

Referencing reports in THR and Variety, Hoffman said: “Do you believe this stuff you’re reading?”

In response, Oliver flat-out said he did “because she would have no reason to lie.”

Moments later, a person in the crowd shouted: “Thank you for believing women.”