Geraldo Rivera Defends Matt Lauer, Saying ‘News is a Flirty Business’

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Geraldo Rivera has come to the defense of Matt Lauer after the Today cohost has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.

“Sad about @MLauer great guy, highly skilled & empathetic w guests & a real gentleman to my family & me,” he tweeted Wednesday. “News is a flirty business & it seems like current epidemic of #SexHarassmentAllegations may be criminalizing courtship & conflating it w predation.”

Geraldo added: “#SexHarassment should be confined to situations where superior imposes himself on subordinate who feels unable to complain because of power of perp or feared consequences to victim’s employment. Shouldn’t be used to get even w bad bosses or hated ex’s.”

He also tweeted: “Heard well-regarded women in media today suggesting morning shows go to an all-female format. That should be as unacceptably retro as the other way around.”

Just this week, an old interview resurfaced of Bette Midler telling Barbara Walters that Geraldo Rivera groped her in the 1970s, trapping her in a bathroom stall. Read more about that HERE.