Julia Roberts’s Life Is Full Of ‘Exclamation Points’

In a new interview with InStyle magazine, the legendary Julia Roberts opens up about the joy in her life.

“There’s no way to describe it without sounding sappy or ridiculous because everything in my mind ends with an exclamation point,” she says of her life. “The thing is, we have these three human beings [her children] who are just a complete reflection of the affection we have for each other.”

“There’s nothing different about this birthday than any other one,” she says of her 50th birthday. “Really, people? Are we still in that space? Did anyone go over this with George Clooney or Brad [Pitt] before their 50th birthdays?”

She also recalled the time she had to dye her hair dark brown with a can of colored mousse for an audition. “It was so brown and stiff and curly, and I had this audition with Adam Storke,” she says. “I was so self-conscious of how stiff my hair was—and he’s touching it, and his fingers are turning black.”

Kiss, Marry, Kill: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Hugh Grant…and go. (Equally tough for both you and #JuliaRoberts alike.)

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