Harvey Weinstein Recently Offered Rose McGowan $1 Million To Stay Silent

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Rose McGowan came out and said Harvey Weinstein recently offered her $1 million to stay silent over sexual assault charges. Apparently, the money was made by someone close to the filmmaker in exchange for her singing a nondisclosure agreement.

“I had all these people I’m paying telling me to take it so that I could fund my art,” she said to The New York Times. She then responded by making a counteroffer of $6 million, which she later retracted.

“I figured I could probably have gotten him up to three. But I was like — ew, gross, you’re disgusting, I don’t want your money, that would make me feel disgusting,” she said. Rose went broke a few years ago putting her father through healthcare — he eventually died.

In 1997, Harvey offered her $100,000 to stay silent about him raping her in a hotel room. But she learned this summer that the money never included a confidentiality clause.