OMG!! You Have to Read About This Epic Proposal at Starbucks

Esther Havens and Austin Mann basically live much of their relationship inside Starbucks coffee houses, so when it came time to popping the question, it was very clear were it had to be.

The two met in Waco, Texas and traveled over 100,000 miles every year supporting nonprofit startups, reports Cosmopolitan. A few years later, while passing through Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Austin passed her a note, after which they wrote and hid love notes for each other in airports spanning from Los Angeles to New Delhi.

It was kind of their thing.

“Austin’s notes were always filled with something to make me feel special,” Havens said in a Starbucks press release. And Havens left notes for Mann too. “My notes for Austin were many times filled with encouraging words about how awesome I think he is.”

As Cosmo reports: “When it came time to propose, Mann flew in Havens’s younger sister, Anna, to film the big moment. Alerted the baristas. Poked a hole in a bag and snuck a phone inside to get a close-up shot of her response. When Havens arrived at Amsterdam airport’s Starbucks to sit in her usual spot, she found the love note waiting for her. On it was a P.S. directing her to pick up a preordered drink at the bar — and when she turned around, Mann was there on bended knee, with flowers, waiting to pop the question.”

The rest is history.