John F. Kennedy’s Family Reflects on His 100th Birthday

John F. Kennedy’s birthday is today, May 29, and despite his grandchildren never having the chance to meet him, his legacy is deep inside the heart of America forever.

Caroline Kennedy and her three children — Rose, Tatiana, and Jack — appeared in a video in partnership with the John F. Kennedy Library.

“I’ve thought about him and missed him every day of my life, but growing up without him was made easier thanks to all of the people who kept him in their heart,” said Caroline. “He is a historical figure. One hundred years is a really long time, but I think his legacy and these values are timeless and they live on.”

“My grandfather would be proud of how far we’ve come as a nation since 1963, but he’d have been the first to tell us that we have a long way to go,” said Rose, who looks just like Jacqueline Kennedy!

“He cared deeply about the environment, about science and technology,” Jack said. “And he recognized that only if America leads the world in solving global problem can we make sure that it’s done right.”